Use "keck|kecked|kecking|kecks" in a sentence

1. The twin Keck Telescopes on Mauna Kea regularly team up as an interferometer.

Les télescopes jumeaux Keck sur le Mauna Kea travaillent régulièrement ensemble en tant qu'interféromètre.

2. The second camp insists, in contrast, that publicity has been transnational at least since the origins of the interstate system in the 17th century. Citing Enlightenment visions of the international ‘republic of letters’ and cross-national movements such as abolitionism and socialism, not to mention world religions and modern imperialism, this camp contends that the Westphalian frame has always been ideological, obscuring the inherently unbounded character of public spheres (Boli and Thomas, 1999; Keck and Sikkink, 1998).

Il nous suffit également d'indiquer les marchés financiers mondiaux, l'Euro et la chute du cours de la monnaie argentine pour deviner à quel point les contrôles monétaires nationaux sont éphémères.